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Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Policy

We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions and protecting the environment.

Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies is dedicated to operational and manufacturing excellence through healthy associates, a safe workplace, and a commitment to protecting the environment. 

To achieve this standard of excellence, we have instituted an environment, health, and safety management system (EHSMS) based on the goals and guidelines established by the International Organization for Standardization for Environmental Management (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001).

We care about the impact our business has on our associates, our customers, and the communities in which we operate globally. 

We demonstrate our dedication by:
  • Reducing the environmental impact and EHS risk of our business activities
  • Effectively using energy and resources
  • Appropriately managing chemical substances
  • Engaging associates in EHS programs
We are committed to:
  • Complying with legal and other requirements relating to EHS in the countries in which we operate
  • Working to reduce hazards and risks to our associates in our business activities and creating safe and healthy work environments
  • Consulting with and encouraging participation from associates in our safety and health programs
  • Striving to prevent environmental impacts and occupational injuries and illness and minimize damage through effective emergency response
  • Providing training and taking other actions to increase EHSMS awareness
  • Actively disclosing information pertaining to EHS activities and maintaining effective communication with various stakeholders to promote continuous improvement of EHS performance and the EHSMS

Signed September 26, 2019
Antoinette Gawin
President & CEO, Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies


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