Project C.U.R.E. is the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries. Terumo BCT has provided financial, in-kind and volunteer support to the organization. Matthew Long, Engineer, Global Systems Performance, a young professional ambassador for Project C.U.R.E., is one of several Terumo BCT associates who volunteer with the organization.
In May 2017, a group of 12 ambassadors, including Long, from Project C.U.R.E. and the Project C.U.R.E. Young Professionals Board were on the ground in Campeche, Mexico to accompany a shipment of more than $100,000 USD of donated medical supplies and equipment to support local clinics, elder care facilities and orphanages. Terumo BCT provided a grant to support Long’s participation in this clinic trip. According to Long, the team saw everything from orphanages with dirt floors, no beds and 20 kids per room to clinics in the jungle where only the indigenous language is spoken and the hospital is the last beacon of hope for many residents. These facilities are in desperate need, and Project C.U.R.E.’s targeted Needs Assessments ensures supplies that they truly need and use to save lives are delivered to the right people. Matthew Long, Engineer, Global Systems Performance, a young professional ambassador for Project C.U.R.E., said:
The impact the goods we send have on local communities cannot be overstated; and seeing the look of hope and joy on a mother’s face when she realizes her child will live thanks to the work we do is the most amazing feeling in the world.”
In November, Terumo BCT was a $2,500 USD Full House sponsor for Project C.U.R.E.’s 7th Annual High Rollers for Health & Hope. Through the event, Project C.U.R.E raised $125,000 USD to enable shipping five containers of medical supplies and equipment valued at $2.5 million USD to benefit disaster relief in Mexico.
When protective clothing requirements changed for our Lakewood cleanroom manufacturing facility, we donated $15,000 USD of lab coats and smocks to Project C.U.R.E.