探索 RBCX 对镰状红细胞疾病 (SCD) 成人和儿童患者输血管理的价值*
与简单的输血和手动置换相比,RBCX 具有以下优点:
- 去除含有血红蛋白 S (HbS) 的红细胞 (RBC) 并快速替换为健康红细胞,同时维持等血容量1-5
- 管理铁过剩和血液粘度1,4,7
- 控制 HbS 和血细胞比容3-4,6,8-9
"与其他输血疗法相比,我发现 RBC 置换是维持血红蛋白 S 低百分比并将铁负荷降至最低程度的更有效方法。"
Julie Kanter, 医学博士
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- 除了与所有自动化血液分离系统相关的禁忌证之外,尚不清楚使用本系统会带来哪些禁忌证
- 有些病人可能有输注某些溶液和替换液的禁忌
- 焦虑、头痛、头晕、手指和/或面部感觉异常、发烧、寒战、血肿、过度换气、恶心和呕吐、晕厥、荨麻疹、低血压和过敏反应
- 发烧、循环超负荷、休克、过敏反应、同种异体免疫、移植物抗宿主病和感染传播
- 操作员必须熟悉系统的操作说明
- 程序必须由合格的医务人员执行
- 监督医生可以在医院办公室或不属于医院正式部分的其他非医院空间进行监督,但前提是监督医生可以立即赶到现场.11
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- Cabibbo S, et al. Chronic RBC exchange to prevent clinical complications in sickle cell disease. Transfus Apher Sci. 2005;32(3):315-321.
- Hilliard L, et al. Erythrocytapheresis limits iron accumulation in chronically transfused SCD patients. Amer J Hematol. 1998;59(1):28-35.
- Duclos C, et al. Long-term red blood cell exchange in children with sickle cell disease: Manual or automatic? Transfus Apher Sci. 2013;48(2):219-222.
- Singer S, et al. Erythrocytapheresis for chronically transfused children with sickle cell disease: An effective method for maintaining a low HbS level and reducing iron overload. J Clin Apher. 1999;14(3):122-125.
- AABB (ed.), et al. Circular of Information for the Use of Human Blood and Blood Components. 10th ed. Seattle, WA. Council of Europe Publishing,
- American Society for Apheresis. Guidelines for documentation of therapeutic apheresis procedures in the medical record by apheresis physicians. J Clin Apher. 2007;22(3):183.