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Spectra Optia Collection Protocols

Supporting a range of options for cell collection needs

The Spectra Optia™ Apheresis System from Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies can be leveraged for several types of apheresis cell collection.* Browse the procedure information below for details. If you have questions, please reach out to our apheresis device and procedure experts.


Procedure information:
  • Efficiently collects MNCs, including monocytes, lymphocytes, CD34+, and dendritic cells with low red blood cell, granulocyte, and platelet content
  • Designed to deliver consistent results with the Automated Interface Management (AIM™) System for interface stability
  • Allows for procedural adjustments to optimize collections
  • Provides operators the ability to choose the desired collected product volume 
  • Gives operators the ability to specify and direct concurrent plasma volume
  • Accommodates smaller patients through a low extracorporeal volume (ECV) of 191 mL
  • Protects product from contamination with a functionally closed tubing set and an incorporated sample bulb
  • Typical  ECV is 147 mL; maximum ECV is 191 mL**

Graphical user interface (GUI) for the MNC procedure

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**Under normal operating conditions, the ECV will not exceed the typical ECV value. Under certain infrequent alarm conditions, such as during reservoir recovery after a reservoir alarm, the ECV may momentarily increase to the maximum ECV value.

Procedure information:

  • Produces consistent results with the AIM System for interface stability
  • Streamlines collection through continuous single-stage processing
  • Minimizes the amount of operator interaction needed, allowing for more focused time with patients
  • Typical extracorporeal volume (ECV) is 253 mL; maximum ECV is 297 mL** 

Operator controls:

  • Inlet flow rate (5 mL/min to 142 mL/min)
  • Collect pump flow rate (0.5 mL/min to 10 mL/min)
  • Packing factor (1 to 20) 
  • Collection preference (10 to 90)

Graphical user interface (GUI) for the CMNC procedure

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**Under normal operating conditions, the ECV will not exceed the typical ECV value. Under certain infrequent alarm conditions, such as during reservoir recovery after a reservoir alarm, the ECV may momentarily increase to the maximum ECV value.

Procedure information:

  • Achieves collection efficiency (CE1%) of 51% (39% to 57%)**
  • Maintains collection efficiency at a range of inlet pump flow rates by automatically adjusting the collect pump flow rate
  • Enables low platelet loss; platelet collection efficiency (CE1%): 7 (2 to 11)**
  • Delivers automated control of the depth of the collection into the red blood cell layer through the reliable performance of the Automated Interface Management (AIM) System 
  • Leverages an intuitive hydroxyethyl starch (HES) option to automatically establish an appropriate packing factor based on the use of starch
  • Typical extracorporeal volume (ECV) is 253 mL; maximum ECV is 297 mL

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**Clinical validation data on file.

Under normal operating conditions, the ECV will not exceed the typical ECV value. Under certain infrequent alarm conditions, such as during reservoir recovery after a reservoir alarm, the ECV may momentarily increase to the maximum ECV value.

See how the Spectra Optia system can be the solution to your apheresis and cell collection needs.

Explore other protocols available on Spectra Optia

Spectra Optia protocols
Spectra Optia protocols
Spectra Optia protocols


  • There are no known contraindications for the system's use, except for those associated with all automated apheresis systems.
  • The infusion of certain solutions and replacement fluids may be contraindicated in some patients.

Possible patient reactions

  • Anxiety, headache, light-headedness, digital and/or facial paresthesia, fever, chills, hematoma, hyperventilation, nausea and vomiting, syncope (fainting), urticaria, hypotension, and allergic reactions.

Reactions to transfused blood products can include1

  • Fever, circulatory overload, shock, allergic reactions, alloimmunization, graft-versus-host disease, and transmission of infection.

Restricted to prescription use only

  • Operators must be familiar with the system's operating instructions.
  • Procedures must be performed by qualified medical personnel.
  • A supervisory practitioner may supervise from a physician office or other nonhospital space that is not officially part of the hospital campus as long as he or she remains immediately available.2


1. AABB (ed.), et al. Circular of Information for the Use of Human Blood and Blood Components. 10th ed. 2006; Council of Europe Publishing, Seattle, WA.

2. American Society for Apheresis. Guidelines for documentation of therapeutic apheresis procedures in the medical record by apheresis physicians. J Clin Apher. 2007; 22(3):183.

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*Product and protocol availability varies by country.

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