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Device Maintenance

A little TLC can help prevent downtime

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The medical devices at your facility are a significant investment — and crucial to giving your patients the best care. So keeping them up and running is a priority. Proper routine cleaning and maintenance can help keep them going strong, leading to less downtime and fewer repairs. That is why we are sharing tips for taking care of your Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies devices.

Know your device cleaning and maintenance schedules
All devices have regular cleaning and maintenance schedules that we recommend following to keep the equipment in pristine condition and working order. For example, some schedules call for cleaning after each use, while others have weekly, monthly, or other suggested frequencies. Certain devices should be disinfected after a blood spill. (Note that cleaning and disinfecting are defined differently.)

To learn about recommendations for a specific device, see the Maintenance and Cleaning sections of the operator’s manual. You will find information on how often to perform cleaning and maintenance and which solutions can be used.

  • You can find operator’s manuals here. If you are having trouble locating a manual, please try using a different web browser or ask your IT department if popup blockers might be preventing access. 
Be aware of these cautions
The solutions used to clean and disinfect a device may accelerate wear and should be used only when necessary. In addition, residue from solutions can build up on the device, causing trouble. Wiping down the equipment with a little water will typically solve the problem. In some cases, though, a deep cleaning may be needed to address this or other issues.
Note: Always power off your device before performing any type of maintenance or cleaning. 
Find assistance when you need it
Your devices are investments, and ongoing cleaning and maintenance help keep them in top condition, maximizing uptime. We are here to support you in this effort.
To report issues, request information, or schedule service or preventive maintenance for your devices, visit our online help center. To learn about our Ve​daTM Check solution, which offers full-service and preventive maintenance contracts, talk with your Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies representative. For procedural assistance, troubleshooting related to products and collections, or general inquiries that require live interaction, we encourage you to call us at 877.339.4228

Veda™ is either a registered trademark or trademark of Terumo BCT, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. See TerumoBCT.com/trademarks for details. 


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