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TSCD-Q Sterile Tubing Welder

Maintain a functionally closed bioprocessing system with strong polyurethane tubing connections

Sterile polyurethane tubing connections based on proven technology

Built on a legacy of proven thermal welders and cell processing devices from Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies, the TSCD-Q Sterile Tubing Welder creates strong, sterile polyurethane tubing connections and is the only welder custom designed for the Quantum Flex™ Cell Expansion System.

This compact, portable welder allows the attachment and removal of components through a sterile process, maintaining a functionally closed system and providing protection from outside contamination.

Create strong, sterile connections with the TSCD-Q welder

  • Creates sterile welds in a few easy steps
  • Quickly and reliably connects two lengths of tubing with 4.75 mm (0.187 in) outer diameter (OD) and 0.787 mm (0.031 in) wall thickness
  • Provides flexibility in a single device
  • Welds wet-to-dry, wet-to-wet, and dry-to-dry connections
  • Maintains a functionally closed system; a TSCD wafer is heated to approximately 300 °C (572 °F) to ensure sterility during cutting and welding

Is the TSCD-Q welder right for you?

Explore our solutions

TSCD-Q Sterile Tubing Welder
SCD IIB Sterile Tubing Welder 
TSCD-II Sterile Tubing Welder 
T-SEAL III Tube Sealing Device 

Tubing outer diameter in mm (in)

4.75 (0.187)

5.5 (0.215)

Blood bag tubing

3.86 (0.152) to 4.6

Up to 5.8 (0.23)

Tubing wall thickness in mm (in)

0.787 (0.031)

0.8 (0.033)

Blood bag tubing

0.508 (0.019) to 0.8 (0.031)

Tubing type

Polyurethane (Pellethane 2363-80AE)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), C-FLEX*



Tubing use



Blood centers/biotech

Blood centers/biotech

*Only PVC tubing with a nominal OD of 5.5 mm (0.215 in) and a nominal wall thickness of .84 mm (0.033 in) has been tested by Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies for weld strength and sterility; however, some users have had  successful results using other types of thermoplastic tubing (such as C-Flex). If you choose to use tubing other than the tubing specified, it is your responsibility to test for weld strength and sterility according to the standards appropriate  for the desired application. Use of tubing other than the PVC tubing specified can cause a low-strength weld joint, which could result in a non-sterile weld.

Pellethane is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. C-FLEX is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.  

How it works

Watch the video and see how TSCD-Q creates simple, consistent, dependable polyurethane-specific tubing connections.

Featured resource

Find out how to put TSCD-Q welders to work for you.

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